Tuesday, July 26, 2016

John Smith (revisited)

In 1865 John's Sister Hannah moved from Salt Lake City to Provo and subsequently married Josiah Thomas Arrowsmith. The couple did not enjoy economic prosperity. Hearing of their destitute situation John gathered together $10 (about $150 in 2016) and bought a sack of flour. For reasons unknown, he had to walk, bearing the sack of flour, from Salt Lake to Provo and personally delivered the life sustaining staple.

"Biography of my Great Grandfather, John Smith & his wife, Eliza Foreman," 2-3, as available at www.FamilySearch.org>John Smith [KWNH-DDN]>Memories>Documents.

Money equivalency figured at the reputable Inflation Calculator available at www.westegg.com/inflation.

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